Social Security is a boondoggle Ponzi scheme that will ultimately ruin the United States financially. It was set up and "sold" to the American people as a retirement plan, not a wealth redistribution tax. Well, forget what FDR said, because it is simply now openly admitted that it is a soak-the-rich, redistribution of wealth, communist "entitlement" that I will have to pay for and for which I stand to gain nothing, having come in on the bottom floor of the Ponzi scheme.
Which is why
this proposal by Obama verges on revolution time. My generation simply must rally to defeat this concept (unfortunately, McCain previously suggested something similar) or we will be turned into
slaves for the benefit of baby boomers' retirement.
The following quote, the authorship of which has been attributed to many but is actually unknown, is sadly all too prophetic:
"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largess of the public treasury."
The baby boomers are voting themselves a largess of the public treasury. Will those of us paying for it sit back and take it in the shorts? Or will we
do something about it?